Monthly Archives: October 2012

كيف تصنع شعبا من الاغبياء؟

كيف تصنع شعبا من الاغبياء ؟؟؟

مجموعة من العلماء و ضعوا 5 قرود في قفص واحد و في وسط القفص يوجد سلم و في أعلى السلم هناك بعض الموزفي كل مرة يطلع أحد القرود لأخذ الموز يرش العلماء باقي القرود بالماء البارد
بعد فترة بسيطة أصبح كل قرد يطلع لأخذ الموز, يقوم الباقين بمنعه وضربه حتى لا يرشون بالماء البارد.

بعد مدة من الوقت لم يجرؤ أي قرد على صعود السلم لأخذ الموز على الرغم من كل الإغراءات خوفا من الضرببعدها قرر العلماء أن يقوموا بتبديل أحد القرود الخمسة و يضعوا مكانه قرد جديدفأول شيء يقوم به القرد الجديد أنه يصعد السلم ليأخذ الموزولكن فورا الأربعة الباقين يضربونه و يجبرونه على النزول..


بعد عدة مرات من الضرب يفهم القرد الجديد بأن عليه أن لا يصعد السلم مع أنه لا يدري ما السبب وقام العلماء أيضا بتبديل أحد القرود القدامى بقرد جديدو حل به ما حل بالقرد البديل الأول حتى أن القرد البديل الأول شارك زملائه بالضرب و هو لا يدري لماذا يضربو هكذا حتى تم تبديل جميع القرود الخمسة الأوائل بقرود جديدة حتى صار في القفص خمسة قرود لم يرش عليهم ماء بارد أبداو مع ذلك يضربون أي قرد تسول له نفسه صعود السلم بدون أن يعرفوا ما السبب

لو فرضنا .. و سألنا القرود لماذا يضربون القرد الذي يصعد السلم؟
أكيد سيكون الجواب : لا ندري ولكن وجدنا آباءنا وأجدادنا هكذا

عملياً هذا ما نطبقه نحن في أعمالنا وحياتنا اليوميةنبقى في الروتين خوفاً من التغيير

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

You can flip a toaster on its side and grill cheese in it.

Reynolds Wrap has lock in taps to hold the roll in place

The color on the bread tab indicates how fresh the bread is

And those colors are in alphabetical order: b, g, r, w, y.

You can divide and store ground meat in a zip loc bag. Just break off how much you need and keep the rest in the freezer for later.

If you place a wooden spoon over a pot of boiling water, it won’t boil over.

Marshmallows can cure a soar throat. Perfect for kids who don’t like medicine.

Stuffing a dryer sheet in your back pocket will repel mosquitoes.

You can freeze cupcake batter for later use.

You can paint upholstery

You can make your own laundry soap. .

You can dye plastic buttons.

You can run a paper bag through your printer.

You can print directly onto fabric.

A dry erase marker can be used on most desk tops.

You can mail anything that will take a stamp and weighs less than 13ounces without a box?

If you break your blender jar you can replace it with a mason jar.

Cereal canisters make the perfect trashcan for your car.

Medicine cabinets are NOT the safest place for medicine

Take your bananas apart when you get home from the store.If you leave them connected at the stem, they ripen faster..

Store your opened chunks of cheese in aluminum foil.It will stay fresh much longer and not mold! (but you can scrape off any mold and still eat the cheese without changes in flavor!

Peppers with 3 bumps on the bottom are sweeter and better for eating.Peppers with 4 bumps on the bottom are firmer and stronger flavored.

Add a teaspoon of water when frying ground beef.It will help pull the grease away from the meat while cooking. 

Yom Kippur War حرب أكتوبر

The October war, the Ramadan war or the Yom Kippur was the 1973 Arab–Israeli War  fought from October 6 to 25, 1973, between Israel and a coalition of Arab states led by Egypt and Syria.

The war began when the coalition launched a joint surprise attack on Israel on Yom Kippur, the holiest day in Judaism, which happened to occur that year during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Little do I care about the details of events that led to or/and followed the war, little does it matter to me who of the 2 sides won that war. However, as an Arab, I grew up to stories that told me that Arabs won that war..

Chatting to an old man about the war, he laughed and told me that it was the worst war in history… Arabs never won anything. Everything they reclaimed in the early days of the war was taken back by Israelis except this time they forced the Egyptians to keep their army away from the borders.

Anyway since today is the 6th of October, switching between tv channels, I found the Egyptian Koursi (chair) delivering a speech in this occasion. I don’t think I can express how pathetic the whole thing was especially after using terms like “victory” , “Arabs” , “Israeli defeat” , “revolution” etc…

Later I decided to Google the 6th of October 1973… I was curious to know more about the whole thing. My Google homepage set as I got Arabic results which I didn’t mind so I opened the link..

this link:  October 6 war arabic

Reading the small introduction which taught me almost nothing new, I decided to directly check the death toll, casualties and losses in both sides and this is what I got.

Arabs lost 8,528 people < Israel lost 10,000 people

Arabs had 19,549 wounded < Israel had 20,000 wounded

Arabs lost 500 tanks each < Israel lost 1000 tanks

Arabs lost 120 jets each < Israel lost 372 jets


which makes one believe that someway, somehow Arabs may have prevailed in this war…. Or so you would think.

Thank God for Wikipedia and after reading a couple more paragraphs in that article I thought I should check the English version.

Logically the death toll at least should be similar… so I opened the link..

this link: October 6 war english

Reading the small introduction i learnt that Arabs attacked on the holiest day in the Jewish calendar and called it using the element of surprize. While the Arab version did not talk about this point, the English version stresses on this matter.  Anway, again I jump straight to the casualties table and this is what I got.

Arabs lost 18,500 people (+10,000) > Israel lost 2,800 people (-7,200)

Arabs had 35,000 wounded (+15,500) > Israel had 20,000 wounded (-11,200)

Arabs lost 2,300 tanks each (+1,800) > Israel lost 400 tanks (-600)

Arabs lost 514 jets each (+400)  > Israel lost 102  jets (-270)

so in conclusion ARAB LOSSES >>>>  ISRAELI LOSSES

On the other hand let us see the results as described by both versions of stories.

in case you don’t understand Arabic, the pic above describes banning Arab oil from Western countries and the crossing of the Suez canal as accomplishments and results of the war, failing to mention that soon after the war ended, Arab oil returned to maximum flow to the West and that the Egyptian Army crossed back the canal. It also mentions that a cease fire treaty was signed on the Syrian front.

If you want my opinion??


Of course the English version explains exactly what “really happened”.

Very funny.. eh?!  They both have their “facts” and “stats” referenced… okay maybe the English version was better referenced with over 329 references compared to the very shy 7 references of the Arabic version. But hey Israelis lie they control the media, the internet and everything else..

They’re evil, I honestly believe the Arabic story but the funny thing is whether you chose to believe the English or the Arabic story one thing remains for a fact. I’ll put them into points to make it clearer.

1- Israel was occupying Arab territories from back in 1967

2- Arabs made a surprise offensive and retrieved some of their land – in Sina (Egypt) and in Golan (Syria) – 

3- Israel regained everything back

So basically, the whole “victory” or accomplishment lasted only for a couple of days, yet still, silly as we are, we gather to celebrate this shameful war convincing ourselves that we won that war.

(ironically enough Arabs celebrate this day on the 6th which is the day the war started instead of the 25th of October which is when the war was over, I mean, this must tell us something..)

  • Egypt went on to sign a shameful peace treaty with Israel, in which they agreed to not station their Army on Israeli borders unless given permission by the Israeli Army. (yes lol)
  • Syria went on to never fire a single bullet at Israel and for that the International community delivered them Lebanon as a trophy for 30 years to follow.

That is the October 6th War… This is the Arabs’ greatest accomplishment… (not all Arabs,  dowal l i3tidal l 3arabi Arabs**)

I will leave judgement to you with hopes that one day everything will change.

Thank You
