Monthly Archives: March 2013

The World’s Ugliest Woman



When she was in high school, Lizzie Velasquez was dubbed “The World’s Ugliest Woman” in an 8-second-long YouTube video. Born with a medical condition so rare that just two other people in the world are thought to have it, Velasquez has no adipose tissue and cannot create muscle, store energy, or gain weight. She has zero percent body fat and weighs just 60 pounds.

In the comments on YouTube, viewers called her “it” and “monster” and encouraged her to kill herself. Instead, Velasquez set four goals: To become a motivational speaker, to publish a book, to graduate college, and to build a family and a career for herself.

Now 23 years old, she’s been a motivational speaker for seven years and has given more than 200 workshops on embracing uniqueness, dealing with bullies, and overcoming obstacles. She’s a senior majoring in Communications at Texas State University in San Marcos, where she lives with her best friend. Her first book, “Lizzie Beautiful,” came out in 2010 winning the hearts of many around the world and her second, “Be Beautiful, Be You,” was published earlier September and In 2013 she’s hoping to write her third book.

“The stares are what I’m really dealing with in public right now,” she told Dr. Drew Pinsky in an interview on CNN’s Headline News. But I think I’m getting to the point where…

instead of sitting by and watching people judge me, I’m starting to want to go up to these people and introduce myself or give them my card and say, ‘Hi, I’m Lizzie. Maybe you should stop staring and start learning’.”

Velasquez was born in San Antonio, Texas; she was four weeks premature and weighed just 2 pounds, 10 ounces.

“They told us they had no idea how she could have survived,” her mother, Rita, 45, told the Daily Mail. ” We had to buy dolls’ clothes from the toy store because baby clothes were too big.” Doctors warned Rita and her husband, Lupe, that their oldest child would never be able to walk or talk, let alone live a normal life. (Her two younger siblings were not affected by the syndrome.)

Instead, she has thrived. Her internal organs, brain, and bones developed normally, though her body is tiny. Since she has no fatty tissue in which to store nutrients, she has to eat every 15 to 20 minutes to have enough energy to get through the day. One brown eye started clouding over when she was 4 years old, and now she’s blind in that eye and has only limited sight in the other.

source: blindfold

شكرا كوريا


من يوم يومي بكره المقدمات.. مش كرمال شي بس لان شو ما تكون عم تقرا, على طول المقدمة كذب.. يعني الكاتب بيبقى حايص مش عارف شو يكتب ليرغبك تكمل قراية فبيكتب حيالله شي.. اجمالا كذب او مبالغة تيجبرك تقرا صلب الموضوع.. يعني ان اظر ووردز متل ما عملت انا هلق صرلكن ساعة عم تقروا وبعد ما عندكن فكرة شو موضوع النص..

عال.. اختصرنا..
اليوم بقطر انعقدت القمة العبرية على مستوى الرؤساء..

 بحضور معظم الزعماء العرب..
افتتح الطبل القمة..  ودخلكن ليش بسموها قمة؟
انو بوتين – اوباما قمة
نجاد – بوتين قمة..
دول ال 5 + 1 قمة..
صيني مع برازيلي قمة..
فرنساوي مع الماني قمة..
بس مع احتراماتي يعني, صالة فيها الطبل ومرسي وسلطان عمان وزعيم دجيبوتي ومحمود عباس وسعودي وبحريني وكويتي ولبناني وسوداني فوقاني وتحتاني وحدا من جزر القمر وسلفي من تونس واماراتي وجزائري وعراقي ويمني وموروكاني واردني وصومالي مش قمة.. اذا شي.. مطلع نكتة طويلة مش اكتر.. نكتة بايخة

ليصيروا قمة.. لازم يكون في زلم بيناتن..
كان بينن زلمة اسمو صدام.. بغض النظر عن رأيي في..  تواطؤوا مع الامركان ضدو وقتلوا..
كان بينن زلمة اسمو قذافي.. بغض النظر عن رأيي في.. تواطؤوا مع الامركان ضدو وقتلوا..
والزلمة الوحيد المتبقي لغولوا مقعدو..

وبتعرفوا شو الحلو؟ انو هيدا مش رايي الشخصي.. هودي الامركان والغرب كلو هيك نظرتهم..


على كلن منرجع للنكتة..
انو دخلكن على شو معظمينها انو عطوا المقعد السوري للمعارضة السورية؟
يعني لو بالعادي بطلعوا قرارات مصيرية وحاسمة.. كنا زعلنا.. بس ما هيدا بعدنا عم نقلكن..  اجتماع نكتة مش اجتماع قمة..
شو متوقعين يعني منو للطبل..؟ انتوا معكن خبر انو عمل انقلاب على..  وايت فور ات…  على بيو!  ايه عمل انقلاب على بيو تيوصل للحكم..


قطر لازم يغيرولها اسمها يسموها جشع..  اللي ما بيعرف معناتها يشوفها بالمعجم..
المهم هلق خلاصة الحديث..
النكتة العربية بايخة كتير.. ورغم هيك من يوم ما خلقت بضحك العالم..

الله يشبع العرب.. والله يعين العرب على هالسنة يلي رح تترأس فيها جشع النكتة العربية..


آه إيه.. ونعيما جشع على ال 2-1 بتصفيات كأس العالم

ملاحظة: ورد في اول المقال عبارة “القمة العبرية” ( مقصودة) — أيضا الأخ في الصورة المصحوبة بالمقال كوري (مقصودة كمان)  لذلك اقتضى التوضيح

Photos of Children From Around the World With Their Most Prized Possessions


Chiwa – Mchinji, Malawi

Shot over a period of 18 months, Italian photographer Gabriele Galimberti’s project Toy Stories compiles photos of children from around the world with their prized possesions—their toys. Galimberti explores the universality of being a kid amidst the diversity of the countless corners of the world; saying, “at their age, they are pretty all much the same; they just want to play.”

But it’s how they play that seemed to differ from country to country. Galimberti found that children in richer countries were more possessive with their toys and that it took time before they allowed him to play with them (which is what he would do pre-shoot before arranging the toys), whereas in poorer countries he found it much easier to quickly interact, even if there were just two or three toys between them.

There were similarites too, especially in the functional and protective powers the toys represented for their proud owners. Across borders, the toys were reflective of the world each child was born into—economic status and daily life affecting the types of toys children found interest in. Toy Stories doesn’t just appeal in its cheerful demeanor, but it really becomes quite the anthropological study.

Stella – Montecchio, Italy


Pavel – Kiev, Ukraine


Arafa & Aisha – Bububu, Zanzibar


Cun Zi Yi – Chongqing, China


Bethsaida – Port au Prince, Haiti





Botlhe – Maun, Botswana


Watcharapom – Bangkok, Thailand


Alessia – Castiglion Fiorentino, Italy


Norden – Massa, Morocco


Julia – Tirana, Albania


Keynor – Cahuita, Costa Rica


Shaira – Mumbai, India


Tangawizi – Keekorok, Kenya


source: featureshoot

Chinese Cat-Boy Can See Perfectly in the Dark

If you ever doubted real X-Men were among us, check out the neat super-power of Nong Youhui, a young Chinese boy who can see in total darkness.

Riddick, the cool antihero played by Vin Diesel in Pitch Black and The Chronicles of Riddick is one of my all-time favorite  sci-fi  movie characters, but I never dreamed of someday reading about somebody who could actually see in the dark. The first news about a little Chinese child with cat-like eyes who could see in the dark as well as normal people see in clear daylight, first broke out in 2009. Doctors who examined little Nong Youhui said he was born with a rare condition known as luekodermia, which leaves his eyes exposed to sunlight damage, but also allow him to see clearly in the dark.

An eye-specialist recently visited the boy, in his home village, in China’s Guanxi province, to examine his unusual eyes. the first thing he noticed when he arrived was that Nong’s eyes were light blue just like Westerners, but very unusual for Asians. He became even more intrigued when he noticed that when shined upon with a flashlight, the boy’s eyes would emit a kind of blue-green light, just like a cat’s. As it turned out, his eyes not only looked liked a feline’s they also allowed him to see and even read perfectly in total darkness.

Nong Shihua, the boy’s father, says two months after he was born,  he was told there was something strange about Youhui’s eyes, but when they went to a hospital, the doctor told them not to worry, and that his eyes would be fine when he grew up. His eyes remained the same, but since they didn’t seem to bother the boy, his family began to care less and less about this abnormality. He would go to school, play outside with other kids, and pretty much everything else young boys his age do, but one day, a teacher noticed something peculiar – Youhui squinted his eyes in bright light and complained about blurry vision. Then one of the boy’s playmates told him his eyes were like a cat’s and that really got him intrigued.


The teacher shinned a flashlight and Nong Youhui’s eyes flashed back, just like a feline’s. He asked him if he could see in the dark, and the boy said yes. Then one night he invited him to catch crickets at night, and the Nong told him he didn’t need a flashlight to see the bugs.  When rumors about his unusual gift spread, many reporters came and performed all kinds of tests to see if he was for real. They blocked out all light and had him answer some questions in the dark, while others showed him a series of playing cards, to see if he could recognize them. He past all tests, and his reputation of Cat-boy, Starchild, or real-life mutant kept growing.